Skittle Alley

Club Secretary, Enid Plumley

Telephone: 01934 852045

Churchill Skittle Club is situated to the rear of the Village Hall in Ladymead Lane, Langford

During the winter there are eight teams playing on the alley; two men's teams in the Weston & District Skittle League on a Monday night; two mixed teams playing in the Wrington Vale League on a Wednesday night; two ladies teams playing in the Weston & District Ladies League on a Thursday night; and two mixed team playing in the Mendip League on a Friday night.

In the summer we have two mixed teams in the Yatton & District League playing on Monday or Tuesday nights and one mixed teams in the Weston & District Mixed League on a Friday night.

The alley is also available for competitions or for outside functions. As it is a member club a list of visitors has to be submitted to the Club 48 hours before the event. The bar will be open for all events and a sticker-up can be provided if necessary.

Some of the teams are now struggling for players and/or a captain to run a team. If anyone would like to join a team please call the Club Secretary on the above number and you will be put in touch with a captain looking for extra players. Membership of the club is £5 a year or £20 for life membership.

Further information can be obtained from the Club Secretary on 01934 852045

Skittle Alley